Friday, 30 January 2015

TOP (5) : Presentation

We have done presentation to tutor group. Presentation was kind of based on painting 'The Treachery of Images.' and book 'This is not a pipe.'. Rene Magritte was a useful subject to explain and define common territory of my group. Doing some tricks with art work is totally looks like illusion where we started in the beginning. The book 'This is not a pipe.' is just talk about this painting. Using Magritte's painting and using book which talk about his painting is helping us how Magritte have inspired us much.

After talking about Magritte to show our common territory, we just try to divide each of us in common territory. Starting from big common element between all of us, and just finding more detailed common element between each of us. I think that having common element detailedly is so much helpful to understand and explain our territory.

In the end of presentation, we were talking about exhibition for more detailed explaining each of our specific territories. Each of us just pick one artist from the exhibition 'Mirrorcity.', and talking about them and our own interests. I picked 'Anne Hardy' to explaining about concept of system and coding thing of my territory. And showing my work series '8 Painting' with explaining what I have hided under this work as a system. It was really good experience to talk about my work and territory. It is more helpful for me to understand myself than I make people understand my works.

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