Thursday, 31 October 2013

The power of an advertisement.

Actually I almost give up to define difference between an advertisement and fine art, but I'm still into advertisements. I have read few books about advertisement to try to define difference. Power of advertisements is new deeply interesting thing. An advertisements have the power to make object looks better or high quality depend on how organizer aim to do no matter what quality of objects. This is the most attractive power to have as a creator. Forget about meaningless researching about difference, and let me try to get this power.

This society where we live is a capitalistic society. We won't farm crops and make clothes, but we all need food and drink enough to keep us alive, clothes to keep us warm and dry. We earn money and buy something we need. We need to buy everything we need. And advertisements are involved in almost all our choice what we are going to buy. This is why people usually think advertisement is only relate to company.

However, personally I think that the most strongest power of advertisement is changing and forming  notion, concept and Idea what we have own. For example, North korea which is socialistic society are using advertisement to brainwash people into deification of Kim's family.

North korean poster
The last picture of children on poster said 'Our general(Kim jung un, Reader of north korea) is the best.'
And also said on down poster 'I like the military game killing U.S army is fun.'
Advertisements are not only thing government of north korean do. They also have been making film, telly program and planning a class for ideology education to brainwash people. wPeople of north korean have been brainwashed for more than 50 years until now. By chance, I have met few north korean defector in south korea due to my aunt who is human right activist. They said north korean people seriously think that all of countries in the world are much more poor than north korea. And meeting and hand shaking with Kim jung ill is the best honor prize for north korean people. 

I didn't mean advertisements can brainwash people into deification like north korean. Power of advertisement is not that much strong, but I think that It's strong enough to cause some people want to do something what organizer was aimed with nice design and a image. 

So, I just tried to make funny advertisements with concept of child labour. This is kind of my present project practice as well. Images what designed wasn't really same as I expected, but it was kind of fun to design it.

I was just starting from Nepal. Glamorization child labour was my purpose to practice power of advertisement, but something is just looks like childbirth encouragement policy poster. And the most big problem was my english writing. I can't really know what it feel like when english people read it. 

This is starbucks version, but I found that 'Global Human Rights Standard - Starbucks' said they supporting to stop child labour. I just realized that I need to be careful to talk about something not truths. Anyway I was planning to make nike and few of other company more, but it was not that fun and interesting to do, and I could not sure about all truths. And I didn't even really sure about my english writing on advertisements what I made. However I surely could feel that advertisement have a interesting power that I want to have. Then, I'm still thinking about how to try it.

Wednesday, 30 October 2013

Question : 'Why are we all in competition?' - Since we had a surplus food.

"Why are we all in competition?", this is a question of my project recently. My previous work was just talking about how we compete like dividing territories, but recently I got into looking for reason why we are in competition, and when did we started. 

Surplus was one reason I found. I think that human start to compete since human got a surplus crop. Having a surplus crop was a symbol of fortune. Before starting farming in stone age, human just need to hunt and gather whole day to be alive, this time they don't have any time to compete and reason to compete. However, they got a time and a crop after starting farm work in the bronze age(There was a farm work in the stone age, but it was not that serious and successful to have a surplus crop.). Using bronze tools is definitely more handier than stone tools.

Personally I think competition to have a surplus crop in the latest stone age is the beginning of our  possessions. And The bronze age is the period begin competition in earnest.

The first vestige of priest have been found in the bronze age. Which can mean that the first vestige of a tribal chief. Priest as a reader of brief adorned with bronze accessory. Bronze stuffs such as accessory and mirror was the most valuable thing at that period time.

So how could they get that kind of the most value things at that time? This is because they are a only way to increase their crops. Agricultural produce was the most powerful and important thing in the prehistoric age.  Ancient religion is usually involved in a ceremony for weather and harvest. People in that time strongly believe that crop will have a increase by priest. That people totally believe that priest got a power from the sky to care them and control weather. People have to give them valuable things for their harvest. I think that this kind of community solidarity could encourage them to work hard with belief confidence by ceremony.

Real competition was starting after having an increase surplus crop reached the limit. Probably general public people start possess surplus crop and few bronze stuff, after they had a enough food and spare time. Territory would be not enough to population growth at that time. When it's starting to lack, their surplus food is not that much more than before. And they are starting to be anxious. General public's anxiety are also anxiety of class of rule. And they are starting to watch another tribals. And plundering started to get enough surplus again.

This is what I thought about origin of my question 'why all we are in competition'. I think that lacking of surplus was one of the reason we are in competition. An Evidence of the earliest war can be found in time between the latest stone age and the earliest bronze age in reality.

In addition, I think surplus possessions is also relate to have spare time to develop own technology. Having spare time caused them to try to do something is not relate to be alive for the present, but that trying to do something is not useful caused development. The stone age, The bronze age and the iron age. Which is process of developments are relate to spare time. In the stone age, they pick up stones which looks good to use. And after that period of time, they realized that they can grind and sharpen stones to use which took so much more time than picking up stones. Also, a melting point of bronze is 1000 degree and a melting point of iron is 1500 degree. Which means stage of developments in prehistoric age after the stone age are also relate to how long does it take a time to melt each materials.
In the stone age, people didn't have a time to care about melting something looks like a stone for them. After they get much more plenty food, they discovered that they can melt bronze what was just look like stones. Of course, it's not all people try to discover how to melt bronze when people have spare time to do what they want at that time, but even one person of hundred people who took their own time can get into a funny stone which is meltable.

To conclude, I got an answer of my question 'why are we all  in competition?'. I think that we are in competition to have much more spare time to do what we want freely. And that freely spare time caused development. Even thought the standard of living balance could be unfair, the minimum standard of living has been increasing. We compete to have better life.

Sunday, 27 October 2013

Meaningless study about definition of difference between an advertisement and a fine art.

An advertisement and an art especially street art are the most interesting things what I have been researching recently. Both of those things have messages and want to receive attention from people. All people know these two kind of things are totally different. However the more I found their similarity, the more I have curious about what is difference between those things. 

People usually think all advertisements are commercial. This thinking is the strongest stereotype of advertisement as I thought that as well, but there is easy example of proving that advertisement is not only for commerce. Public advertisement is the example. We all know it's not for business without any explanation.

Public advertisement.

My graphic art piece - Loser.

I have reckoned that what is different between advertisements and art pieces after discovery. My art always try to tell and talk about my idea. It totally seems to be similar to advertisement. And, it was bit easy to find similarity between my previous work and advertisement as you can see above this paragraph. My work is just bit more violent than public advertisement. I was thoroughly confused about my art and difference between art and advertisement for a while.

Having a message, trying to receive attention and design a image. lots of similarities are most interesting things in this research. There are few differences between those things. Advertisement usually want some part of people watch their advertisement for effectivity of advertisement. So organizer try to put their advertisement somewhere could be more effective such as classified advertisement. However this difference was not crucial reason to make me sure about my question, because Public advertisement is usually don't have specific target, and some art has a similar feature of advertisement want to be effective to specific people.

In fact, an advertisement is also one kind of art in different part of a fine art. They are using various way for various purpose. Sometime, its just for profit growth. And, some advertisements try to show what they are doing and how much quality they have even it's not exactly truth. This could make me more get into confusion.

Anyway I found one thing the most different thing between my art and advertisement, that could make me sure to answer my question. Difference in doubt is what creator want to people do after people watch outcomes. Advertisement have a fixed purpose even public advertisement is for persuading people to do something or stop doing something, but I don't really want people do something after watching my works. I just want people think something even it's totally different things what I couldn't expected. Tiny thinking can change everything is the my strongest belief.

Public advertisement is the most interesting and the most complex thing is this research. It might be a same role as a fine art. Or my work is similar to public advertisement. Perhaps Trying to compare kind of arts is meaningless in this open-mined art world.

Monday, 14 October 2013

Which mask do you have?

Actually I didn't mention one project what I did before going to CCW Foundation course. It's 7 illustrations what I just drew after I saw interesting thing. I was walking at employment security department as a part time job for 2 months. That department was only for Disabled women. My role was helping other counselor, but I need to be counselor sometime they need my hand. So I had met lots of disabled women who look for a job. I have got on well with disabled women. However, their smile after they found out that chair woman of employment security department is my aunt is inspired me. Their smile was really different from before they know that. I thought we are just friend, but I couldn't be friend with them anymore.

illustrate by dohny @ in 2012, 06

Line to see all of drawings :

I was just drawing after that feeling. I can remember I was really shocked all about relationship between me and everyone. I was really intimidated to everyone after that unconsciously. I think that behaving made it worse.I just thought their all faces are fake faces. That's why I just put mask on faces in my illustrations.

Actually I blamed them when I leave there to come back to london. And then I just forgot about it for 6 months before I came back to think about it as the last project of my foundation course. Snobbishness was becoming the maid idea after thinking about it few days. I was too snobbish to think about them. I blamed them for their different behavior and weird smile, but I have never thought about my faces. They must feel something from my faces same as I felt something from them. My narrow mind behavior what I thought that I was intimidated could be one of reasons why we couldn't be friend anymore.
'Faceless' is the title of this film. I just wanted to talk about having a face is not only personal emotion. Sometimes, we could have a sad face for someone who is in trouble. We could smile when someone tell us somethings can celebrate together. Face is the most easy way to share our emotion. Even It's fake smile, that usually mean to be familiar.

illustrate by dohny @ in 2013, 03

It was not totally only their problem. It was our problem. We all live in same society together. I felt so much guilty after I realized that. So I just made one film to apologize to them and for everything I felt.

Directed by dohny @ in 2013, 04

Faceless is the title of this film. I just wanted to talk about having a face is not only personal emotions. Sometimes, we could have a sad face for someone who is in trouble. We could smile when someone tell us somethings can celebrate together. Face is the most easy way to share our emotion. Even It's fake smile, that usually mean to be familiar with. 
Society with me
Illustrated by dohny @ in 2013, 04

This is a symbol what I designed to express our society concept what I explained. There is a one messy point in central. That is just all of us. That could be a face, a emotion or anything what we have ourself. Then, there are few things of our society around that messy point. That whole shape Which I set up around messy point just mean our society, each shapes don't really have a meaning. In facts, it's bit difficult to explain with my english. I hope you can understand with my film 'My face in the central of the world'

'My face in the central of the world'
Directed by dohny @ in 2013, 04

This is all process of this idea I have done so far. Thanks.

Friday, 11 October 2013

How did I start a fine art?

I think that I can just start with my whole history of my fine art, because it's really, really short. I just came to london to study fashion design, but I changed my mind to study Illustration in language school in london after watching a lots of galleries and museums. I was interested in Fine art where I watched in galleries and museums at that time, but I was really not sure about I can really do fine art or not. I reckoned that my fine art was on the beginning when I prepared Illustration portfolio to apply to univ.

I was just talk about religion  with my Illustrations. I made one Illustration book for this project. I left that book in korea, that is why I have got just few pictures on my laptop. I was trying to talk about religion and atheism. I didn't know that I enjoyed thinking to have some ideas.

And then, I went to CCW foundation course which lead me to Fine art. There was a fine art class on the first week of the first term. That first fine art class is the most reason why I decide to study Fine art. Possession was a basic idea of that project.

Painting and sculpture were my final pieces for 2 weeks fine art class. I was just focus on possession what we have and what we don't have. Main idea was when we have lots of things own, we can't see somethings behind of what we have. Therefore, others own things are also valuable things for each others as well. 

I just made a decision to change my mine to study fine art when I realized that I really enjoy make that final stuffs. And then, I just choose Drawing class which is one of the fine art class. This is just my short art history of beginning. really short and simple, isn't it?

Tuesday, 8 October 2013

I hate analogue!

Illustrated by Dohny in 2013, 10

I hate analogue.
I hate digital.

just kidding.